
Which Fitness App Should I Use?

Which Fitness App Should I Use?

Everybody who wants to get in shape can benefit from tracking their progress. With the advent of technology, fitness apps are designed to track of our gains, encourage, and guide our exercise routines. They can also be motivational, linking us to others who have the same fitness goals. But fitness...

How To Improve Gut Health

How To Improve Gut Health

It’s pretty well known that the gastrointestinal tract is important to the body. After all, it not only digests food, it also converts it into the energy and nutrients our body needs to function. Up to 80% of our immune system lives in the gut, which is important to maintain...

NAD+ and COVID Recovery

NAD+ and COVID Recovery

Most of us probably still cringe any time we hear someone say “COVID-19.” However, we also envision classic physical symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. As we move past the climax (hopefully!) of the global pandemic experience, the focus of health and science efforts has shifted...

Hyperbaric Chambers: What to expect and benefits of multiple visits

Hyperbaric Chambers: What to expect and benefit...

We recently posted another detailed article about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Hbot). In case you haven’t had a chance to read this particular article, here is a quick recap of what Hbot is and how it can benefit many patient health outcomes. (If you would like more information about Hbot, be...

Vitamin B

Vitamin B

Purpose  There are eight types of vitamin B. The six varieties of vitamin B listed below are the most important to maintain optimal health. Each plays several roles to maintain body function..  B1 (Thiamin)   B2 (Riboflavin)   B3 (Niacin)   B6 (Pyridoxine)   B9 (Folate) B12 (cyanocobalamin)   -Breaking...

Healthy Beings - Myers IV Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail is an IV drip infusion that replenishes the body’s depleted stores of vitamins and minerals. Dr. John Meyers developed this IV cocktail formula in the 1970s to treat common medical conditions including muscle spasms, fatigue, migraines, fibromyalgia, and many others. The Myers cocktail is an efficient, rapid...