Product FAQs
Advanced TUDCA, CT-Iodine, and MitoATP were previously included in this phase. Why were they removed?
Recently, small modifications have been made to our protocols to make them more effective, better tolerated, and highly customizable. Advanced TUDCA was moved to Phase 2, while MitoATP has been discontinued and replaced with BC-ATP, our new mitochondrial support supplement that’s stronger and generally better tolerated.* CT-Iodine is included in Phase 4B, as it’s more supportive at this stage of promoting detoxification.
Can the supplements in Phase 3 cause or worsen existing symptoms?
Since all of the supplements in this phase support the body’s natural detoxification processes, it’s possible to experience mild detox symptoms, such as bloating, fatigue, constipation, headaches, or gas.* This will depend on an individual’s toxic load and varies from person to person. If you experience excess reactions, we recommend introducing one supplement at a time (and starting with a half dose) in the order listed on the dosing chart.
Do any of the supplements interact with medication?
Always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner when introducing a new supplement. As a general guideline, it’s recommended to take all supplements at least two hours away from prescription medications.
Do the supplements have to be taken with food, or can they be taken without?
All of the other supplements in this phase are recommended to take between meals for maximum potency. However, if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients, you can take them with meals.
Para 1 is sticky. How can I take this product if I want to open the capsule?
Due to the sticky properties of the Para 1, it cannot be taken with water if the capsule is opened up. We recommend taking it in food substances like honey, olive oil, or even syrup. This makes it so your body can digest the Para 1 and it isn’t too sticky to swallow.
What’s the difference between the Comprehensive Protocol and the Foundational Protocol?
The Comprehensive Protocol is an in-depth approach to supporting detoxification, intended for those who are looking to address their health at the root level and require increased immune and gut support.* Completing the protocol over a prolonged period (9+ months) provides the body with sufficient time (and nutrients) to support system balance through detoxification.* The Foundational Protocol is a shorter, four-month approach to supporting detoxification. It’s intended for individuals who are looking to periodically promote cleansing for an overall wellness boost.* It also helps to balance the gut microbiome, increase energy levels, and aid in digestive and immune function — but is not as extensive as the Comprehensive Protocol, which covers more specific areas of health.*
Why does Para 1 need to be taken one hour away from binders (such as BioToxin Binder or ViRadChem Binder)?
We recommend taking Para 1 one hour away from all binders (BioToxin Binder, Carboxy, HM-ET Binder, and ViRadChem Binder), as the binders can cause Para 1 to lose its effectiveness. All other CellCore products can be taken alongside Para 1.